Job Spotlight: Computer Programmer

Every month in 2019, Vidcode is going to be releasing a new blog post focusing on career pathways and role models related to computer science, along with related activities that you can do with your students.

The January Job Spotlight is: Computer Programmer

Computer programmers write the code that powers everything, from apps on your phone to websites you visit to software that powers hospitals and schools. They often work together, reviewing code and pair programming. Computer programmers write code in languages such as JavaScript - the language students learn to create projects with on Vidcode. For example, computer programmers customize Instagram filters - one of the very first free activities you can do with your students on Vidcode.

After completing the “Create a Filter” tutorial on Vidcode, you can discuss with your class: What do computer programmers make? How does coding change agriculture, energy and education, or other industries? How do computer programmers fit into that?

This month’s career role model is Lauren Reeves, a software developer at Postmates. Read her story with your students to get inspired by her journey into software development.

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In the “Create a Filter'“ tutorial, students code a cool filter for a video by using JavaScript functions, and learn the syntax of calling a function. To complete “Create a Filter” with your students, sign up here and add students to you class. “Create a Filter” is the first activity in “Creative Coding 1.” You can access it free with your account.