Vidcode has partnered with Virtual Learning Academy Charter School (VLACS) to help empower students to code in non-traditional classroom settings. VLACS is a nonprofit virtual charter school for grades 6-11 in Exeter, New Hampshire, the only public online high school in the state.
VLACS has incorporated Vidcode into their course catalogue with 3 career/computer science courses: Creating Coding 1 (Beginner); Creative Coding 2 (Intermediate); and Creative Coding 3 (Advanced). All the courses are student-paced but students are given a recommended 9 week completion time for each course. As students progress they are able to create increasingly complex projects.
When adding these new courses to their catalog, VLACS looked for certain criteria, including flexible pacing, specialized assessment and remediation. Specifically when looking at STEM/STEAM courses, curriculum has to align with CSTA K-12 CS Standards and offer real-world practice for skills that are translatable into the workforce. The Vidcode curriculum offers VLACS students open-ended projects, tutorials, and assessments that are aligned with multiple standards including CSTA.
“We have partnered with Vidcode for several years using their creative coding courses. We were attracted to these offerings because they are highly interactive, immediately get students coding, and students see the results of their work in real-time. These highly engaging offerings have been well received by middle and high school students new to coding or with some previous experience with other coding languages. Students particularly enjoy the hands-on approach of these courses with minimal text and lots of interactive coding practice.”
Student projects from Creative Coding 3
“Vidcode provides engaging content for learners of all levels - including beginners. My students have no trouble using the easy-to-follow, user-friendly interface. Vidcode lessons allow for creative freedom while learning standards-based material. As a virtual instructor, I feel confident facilitating my students’ journey through Vidcode courses.”