Teach your students to express themselves on the web

Grades 6-10 • 8 projects • HTML, CSS, JavaScript

This course serves as either an off-ramp from Vidcode’s JavaScript courses into traditional web development, or as a standalone course to teach your students how to make personalized, interactive websites. This course is filled with 8 projects, tutorials, answer keys, and discussion topics, to get your students creating on the web!

Looking to give your students a deeper dive into computer programming? A great place to start is JavaScript 101, once students are familiar with the syntax of JavaScript and basic programming logic, move onto these lessons.

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1. Personal Website

In this first project, your students will get set up and familiar with making websites using the Glitch platform, and make their first website that reflects them

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2. Band Tour

Students take what you learned in the personal website project and apply it to a website representing a band, artist, comedian, or author.

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3. Dialogue

Use classes to style an HTML dialogue between your favorite characters. Classes let you style multiple elements the same way, with less code!

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4. News Site

Create a news website! This project will focus on using CSS to edit the layout of the site, for example centering things, adding columns, and placing elements like images and buttons around the site.

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5. Choose your own adventure game

Create a choose-your-own adventure game. You’ll make and link to multiple webpages, each another step in your player’s adventure!

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Projects 6-8 coming soon

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