A community of new coders

6 weeks of coding • every saturday • December 26-January 30

Here’s how it works

  1. Sign up for a subscription

  2. Code every week. Starting December 26, get a new video and 3 new JavaScript tutorials in your inbox every Saturday for 6 weeks

  3. Get Inspired. Explore and remix other coder’s work each week. Your project could be featured, and you can share what you made and get feedback in the Discord for participants (joining is optional)

  4. Become a Programmer. Walk away on January 30th with amazing JavaScript skills, ready to make your own websites and program your own games


What you’ll make








Vidcode’s STEAM Kits were very beneficial to my son’s learning. We were able to interact and ask questions as we needed. My son enjoyed seeing other kids’ projects and being able to share his project with the group. This was a great introduction to coding but also went into more depth than just basic coding instruction.”
— Tricia B, School Administrator and Parent
I love the coding tutorials every week! They are informational, challenging, and fun. This is also a good chance to see how things work, meet new people, and create things that could go on to being real famous masterpieces! Thank you for the amazing resources!”
— Slothgirl, Age 12

Sign up for STEAM Learning


December 26th-January 30th

Each Saturday morning, receive:

  • A welcome video in your inbox

  • 3 new tutorials

  • Feedback on their work from the previous week

  • A showcase of projects made by students from the previous week to remix and explore

You’ll also have access to a moderated Discord server of other new coders, and access to live instructors to answer any coding questions.


What you’ll need:

  • Internet Access

  • A computer or tablet with a modern web browser

  • That’s it! Leave the rest to us

STEAM Kits are recommended are for students aged 9-16 and have no prerequisites - students don’t need any coding experience to take part!

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Research-backed and trusted by Parents

Vidcode is research-backed and supported by the U.S. Department of Education's Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR). In our most recent third-party study, Vidcode improved middle school students' comprehension of core computer programming principles after just 10 hours.

Vidcode is a 2020 Parent’s Choice Award Recipient and our courses are rated #1 for Computer Science Standards Alignment by the Education Alliance of Finland.

Ready to sign up?


You don't need school to learn to code. Practice your skills at home with 6 weeks of fun, creative coding challenges!