Vidcode Pilot Unit
TWO-week Course
This two-week course is used to introduce students to the basics of JavaScript in a way that's fun, engaging and collaborative. At the end of this curriculum, your students will understand:
- They are programmers.
- Functions are used to call actions and can have arguments passed to them.
- Order matters in an array.
- JavaScript is made up of objects that have properties and methods.
- Variables are containers used to store data.
- There is more than one way to solve a problem.
The six lesson plans below will guide instructors through delivering the two-week curriculum. Each lesson plan is paired with a Vidcode student module, all of which can be found at Certain lesson plans use the 'Sandbox', an open creative coding space. The link to that workspace is
If you have questions at any time, please contact our curriculum and tech support team at [email protected].